"A very humble approach. The old gods do have their place, I did directly witness the powers of Ares once. The Church itself isn't uncorruptable, they can get things wrong despite following the Lord way. That is why the Burial Agency is also around, to remove those who have become too corrupted in the Church. While our main mission is to defeat Dead Apostles, we have a secondary task of rooting out heresy within and I don't see you as a Heresy. I think you walk a noble and righteous path, that is more then can be said for many in the Church." said Ciel approving Fee statement. The young girl was showing more and more promise but more then that, she was achieving her potential. "I think the idea is that their bodies is so strong, they don't need armor or that the armor gets in the way and slows them down. I believe other warriors have also fought fully nude. Perhaps it also has a shock value as well but I would never suggest it."
Ciel expression would become more serious. "Your sister was a formidable warrior. Her being a heroic spirit is trouble if she opposes us. Still, I am glad that it has strength your reslove and that you now choose to walk this path, your own path." said Ciel in a supporting tone.
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach